Thursday, September 27, 2007

google anniversary

Google... What a name, what an impressive brand, what a powerful search engine! Well, believe it or not, Google celebrates today the 9th anniversary as it was first released on the Internet in September 1998. However, the Google project was started by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in January when they were only two Stanford University students looking to obtain an A mark for a research project. Wikipedia sustains Google was founded on September 7, 1998 so there are a lot of rumors around the official launch date. What's most interesting is that nobody knows exactly when the search giant celebrates its birthday but the Mountain View company publishes a new doodle every September 27. Today, Google celebrates its 9th birth through a new doodle published on its page especially created for this occasion.

Google is more than a simple search engine and you all know it because its technologies are for many of us an important part of every day's life. Besides its revolutionary search technology which makes our computer activities a lot easier, Google created almost anything you need on the web: a mail service, a video sharing service, an Office suite, a RSS reader, a calendar and many, many other solutions.

However, Google has always wanted more than that and started powerful expansion campaigns which bring its power into every corner of the world. At this time, there is an impressive number of countries which are able to access a local version of Google while the other ones which aren't, will receive a special flavor soon.

Google grew up a lot and was recently named one of the most powerful brands in the world with an incredible financial power and popularity. Besides this, Google hired no less than 13,748 employees (according to Wikipedia) and as long as it opens new centers and offices, this number is continuously increased.


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